Thursday, August 5, 2010

Government Welfare is not the answer.

This country is so heading in the wrong direction. It has for a long time and most folks know it.

It is more then just out of control spending or taxes or power. As a country, we have lost our identity! USA is no longer where you can make it by working hard, being honest, and giving back to your community when needed.

We don't need the government taking our money and giving it to other in the name of welfare. We used to help the needy and downcast at the local level. And I don't mean the city government. I mean your friends, your church, your social clubs, your school, your employment, your neighbors.

We have always jumped in to help, when asked. Now we don't because our extra resources are taken away via taxes. We also think we have done enough by paying these taxes that get used to support the thousands of mostly useless on overlapping government servers and/or programs.

The big difference?
When we give our time and money to help someone local, we get to see how that money/time is used and if it is abused. If you lend money to a person in need (say a friend), but you see that person at the movies every week or buying new cars instead of an used one, you probably are going to question that person. If s/he doesn't give a good reason, you are not going to continue to give aid, because they are taking advantage or your aid. Someone getting aid from someone else should be doing everything they can to use the aid wisely and trying to find a way to need less aid in the future.

Now, people get money from a faceless source, are encouraged to 'live as normal' as they can, and have zero chance of losing their aid. That is simply wrong!

People need aid from time to time, and I greatly support that. We need to have a servant heart and most people that give freely report they are blessed as well. It is a two-way street though.

People have trouble finding a job, get sick, get hurt, get things stolen. We help in those times of need. But we help as little as possible, allowing them to stand up and be all they can be. That might be a day, a week, a year, or a lifetime. Each incident is unique. But what we don't do is allow the person to give up on themselves and just resign themselves as lost cause.

People need to stand up and do the right thing when getting aid as well. You take that job pumping gas if that is the only job you can get. You don't go the movies or buy a new car. You quite smoking, fastfood, starbucks, etc. It is NOT ok to simply pretend things are a-ok and spend just like before our spend like everyone else. You need to do the right thing.

I don't buy the argument that their are people the fall in the cracks and no one is going to help them. That is true with government programs, but not local charity. All it takes is one person to point out someone in need and there will be dozens of groups willing to help. If the money we gave as tax payers that is spent on welfare programs was given back to the poeple and only 1/2 of that money was actually given to groups or peoples in need, there would be so much money that charities would have trouble spending it.

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